Lucky me, the house is quiet once again.

Lucky me, the house is quiet once again. I just sat down with a cold cup of coffee from 2 hours ago and I am just acting like its supposed to be iced coffee. The house is a wreck but worth it. I talked to my Dad for over 3 hours today which Definitely new for us. We have kind of a waspie family where we just don’t talk about stuff that is bpthering us, we just let it fester and then explode. So today was such a healthy talk for us, we talked about things that are hard to be discussed. My parents live 20 minutes away from us but in October they are moving away to Mississippi where they grew up and where I was born. I am really excited for them. I think the change will do them good.

I live in this beautiful little yellow house with a white picket fence and a purple bathroom. I have some green space in the front yard yet it doesn’t feel right. I don’t feel settled and I want to. I want to paint the walls, I want to buy furniture that fits our house. But the house doesn’t feel like home… I feel like we are used to being on the move now and will never feel fully settled.

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